May 22 Update

May 22 Update
I got a new Onsie as a gift from the Extra Life Charity hospital rep! I'll grow into it...
  • Olivia turned 5 months old on 5/20 – she has been at Children’s for three months now.
  • She weighs 3.83K, or 8lbs 6.5oz.
  • Olivia has a G-tube surgery planned for 5/24. It should be about 1.5 hours long from start to finish, and will ideally be performed laparoscopically. She will be under general anesthesia, and will be woken up the same day. She won’t have to be on the paralytic medication that she was on for the tracheostomy.
  • Once the surgery is complete, Olivia will be placed on a waiting list to go to Franciscan Children’s Rehab Hospital in Brighton. We aren’t sure how long it will be before she actually gets moved there. 
I like to pull Daddy’s hair!
  • Unfortunately Olivia has been vomiting every day, but we are hoping that the G-tube will help limit that.
  • Olivia’s vent settings have been great lately, but the team hasn’t wanted to mess with anything before the surgery. We are hoping that once she recovers, we can continue weaning aggressively.
  • Today Olivia had her newborn hearing screen – she has mild hearing loss in both ears. The possible cause for this is fluid that is gathering in her middle ear that isn’t draining. She will have a follow-up appointment in three months. Thankfully, she can still hear us, but things are muffled for her. We are hoping the fluid drains as she grows. The team didn’t talk about any interventions yet, but if she still has hearing loss at the follow-up, they will be discussed.
Smiling with Mommy!


  1. Elke Duncan

    It was amazing to meet beautiful and amazing Olivia! She is just awesome! Holding her in my arms was a dream come true, her Auntie Bestie loves her beyond measure! 💕 it was nice to see her on her great uncle Kevin’s heavenly birthday and on her 5th month birthday!

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