Her feeds have been changed from continuous feeds, 24/7, into her jejunum (small intestine), to bolus feeds over two hours into her stomach. This can cause more irritability, gas, and vomiting, which unfortunately is happening to Olivia.
Her PEEP was successfully weaned to 10 last week, and is being weaned to 9 today. The pressure support (another of her vent settings) is going to be lowered today too.
Olivia’s NP and attending doctors are hoping to schedule her feeding tube surgery this week, next week at the latest. They are hopeful that they can do a G tube, instead of a G-J tube, but that will depend on how she’s doing with NG feeds.
After the surgery, Olivia will move to Franciscan Children’s.
Max and Becky have been embracing learning how to change Olivia’s trach ties, something that needs to be done every day. They hope to learn how to change her trach (a monthly event) soon.
Olivia has been learning how to self-soothe, usually sucking on her fingers. It’s great to see her learning to calm herself.
She’s also been trying tummy time, which is hard with a trach, but it’s necessary.
In Other News…
Becky celebrated her first Mother’s Day with her own mother, and daughter! <3
Volunteers brought gift bags to each mom in the NICU, which was so thoughtful