Mar 2-4 Update

  • BIG NEWS – Olivia had her PDA procedure yesterday! We have been waiting for this for months! This procedure closed her PDA with an amplatzer duct occluder II. Olivia was put under general anesthesia, and the transcatheter PDA procedure was performed in 3 ½ minutes. Immediately, her heart had to work harder to deal with the change in blood flow. This indicates that the closure will likely have a positive effect on her lungs, allowing blood to flow where it is meant to go. Her doctor said she tolerated the procedure very well, and she is in recovery mode now.
    • Backing up – as of last week, Olivia’s PDA was shown to be too small to do the procedure on. However, before she started steroids on 3/2, the team did another echo and saw that it had come back in roaring fashion. They determined she would need a closure procedure, and fit her in on 3/3.
  • So far, Olivia has had a good day and night. Her stats are doing very well – her supplementary oxygen is down to 40%.
  • Olivia had another echo today, which showed her left ventricle improving
  • Olivia’s feeds were stopped prior to the procedure, but she is back on a schedule of increasing feeds
  • Weight = 2690 grams, or 5lbs 14 oz
  • We are so proud of little Olivia and hope this procedure can lead to more breathing improvements as she recovers over this week


  1. Michael Jackson

    Always with a sigh I read about Olivia.

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