July 6 Update

July 6 Update
Naps are the best, amirite?



Nap chairs are the best, amirite?


  • Olivia is now doing 2 hours of time off the vent, and loving it. She is going to try 3 hours tomorrow!
  • When we can coincide this with a time when Olivia isn’t being fed, she’s basically tube free! It’s amazing. Today we were able to give her a bath in a tub with only a thin oxygen tube attached to her!
  • The home vent has arrived at the Fran, and has been checked out by the RTs in-house. We will have two training sessions on the vent, this week and early next, after which Olivia will be placed on this vent.
  • Once she’s on the vent, Becky will do her 48-hour in-house stay. Max will do his over the weekend.
So many toys, but I prefer my fingers!


  • Olivia weighs 5.01 kg now, or 11 lbs!
  • She is 53.3 cm or 21 inches long.
  • Olivia has been having a tough time gastrointestinally. She tends to have vomits at least twice a day, though it was 5 times in one day earlier this week. In response, the team has slowed down the rate of her feeds, lowered the volume, and made sure to vent her g-tube. They have increased the caloric fortification to the breastmilk to make up for the decrease in volume.
  • A rep from Mass Health will be coming to the Fran on Friday to evaluate Olivia’s home nursing needs. We are hoping we can fill that time with home nurses, if not right away then eventually.
  • Olivia had a few new visitors this week, including a (different) friend from California!
  • Olivia loves kicking her feet, and is starting to grab at toys. Her balloons are still her favorite!


  1. Aunt Donna

    OMG! What fantastic news. Praying that all goes well and she gets to go home. Love 💘 to all.

  2. Aunt Donna

    What wonderful news! Your little soldier is taking those hills like a Marine.

  3. Madison

    This is such amazing news!! You guys must be over the moon. Can’t wait to see Olivia enjoying her home!!

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