- Olivia is two weeks old, which makes her 29 weeks gestational age
- Weight is 830 grams
- Sedative transition to oral from PICC line did not go as planned, so PICC line is still in at the moment
- You almost never get same effect when doing the transition, so doctors are testing the correct dosage
- Want her to be sedated enough so that other therapies are not complicated
- Breathing
- Lungs are stiff from lack of natural lubricant (surfactin); Olivia has previously received some surfactin to help
- Can lead to inflammation of lungs and ongoing stiffness of lungs (Chronic lung disease/Bronchopulmonary dysplasia [BPD]) – this is typical for half of babies Olivia’s size
- Can lead to persisting lung problems for weeks, likely on ventilator for 4-6 weeks (both HIFI and typical ventilators, then she would be on CPAP until she hits 32 weeks min, likely plus 2 or 3 additional weeks since she is already 29 weeks)
- To move to lower ventilator:
- She needs to come down on pressure on HIFI ventilator
- She would need to stay around 30% oxygen
- RTs measure how much pressure with bag it takes to get her chest to move
- To move to CPAP after that:
- Need lower pressures on normal ventilator
- She would need to be breathing on her own
- She would need to stay around 30% oxygen
- Lungs are stiff from lack of natural lubricant (surfactin); Olivia has previously received some surfactin to help
Posted inUpdates Updates-Olivia
Want you guys to know I’m reading every update and I’m thinking of you all. So exciting to hear every time she’s growing!